University of Madeira’s Education Research Centre (CIE-UMa) has been committed since 2003 to furthering scientific, pedagogical and professional knowledge in the field of Educational Sciences, as well as disseminating and applying the results of research.
- Promoting, coordinating, and supporting research projects in the field of Education
- Disseminating research results to the scientific community, Education professionals, and the general public
- Contributing to updating and improving the training programs of Education professionals
- Supporting research projects leading to Master’s and doctoral theses in the Centre’s research areas
- Managing relevant information in the field of Education research
- Supporting the presentation and publication of scientific work resulting from projects developed within the Centre’s sphere
- Optimizing support services for research work in terms of resource efficiency
- Encouraging and supporting the submission of projects for funding from public and private institutions
Research areas
The role of educational policy in the construction of the curriculum; the pressures and interests underlying the construction of the curriculum; the relationship between knowledge and ideology, culture and power.
Pedagogical innovation
Studies on new learning contexts and paradigmatic shifts; critiques of past paradigms; exploration of the future of education.
Educational administration
Principles and practices of school management; leadership styles; assessment systems; analysis and development of educational projects; school organizational culture.
Community development
Processes of social change, transformation, and innovation; education and training projects in collaboration with public services and institutions
External Commission for Scientific Advice [EAC]
- William F. Pinar, University of British Columbia
- Michael Schratz, Universitat Innsbruck
- Paulo Dias, Universidade Aberta
CIE-UMa is a National Research Unit funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) through the Multiannual Funding of R&D Units 2020-2023: Base Funding (UIDB/04083/2020) and Programmatic Funding (UIDP/04083/2020).
- BELONG (Comenius University, Masaryk University, Central European University, Nottingham University & Slovac Association for Quality Enhancement in HE)
- MACARONIGHT V: Projeto europeu de investigação, envolvendo regiões da Macaronésia, H2020-EU.1.3.5
- MATHIA – Modelo de Inteligencia Artificial para enriquecer y mejorar las competencias matemáticas en el alumnado adolescente: Projeto Erasmus KA220-SCH-cooperation partnership in school education. Project 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000156975
- PEQUENOS MATEMÁTICOS: This project is the result of a partnership between CIE-UMa and Escola Básica com Pré-Escolar Bartolomeu Perestrelo in Funchal, and has the following main objectives: i) professional development, particularly in the field of didactic knowledge of 1st Cycle teachers Basic Education and ii) improving the mathematical learning of the students involved. The project develops training and scientific consultancy activities; teaching activities in the classroom with the classes involved and research activities.
- COLORUM – Projeto da Escola Francisco Franco e a Coleção de Insetos da UMa (UMACI) – Projeto COLORUM 2023-2024
- “L’ingénierie d’accompagnement comme levier d’innovation pédagogique” dans le cadre de l’accord n° 2023-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000154909 ERASMUS+. Projeto aprovado a 15 julho de 2023, no valor de 400.000.00 Euros. Iniciado a 15 de novembro de 2023
- Investigações-vidas em educação: Escrevivências, Artivismos e Alianças Políticas na Educação, submetido pela equipa coordenada por Alfrancio Ferreira Dias, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, para a Linha de Políticas públicas para o desenvolvimento humano e social, (Chamada CNPq/MCTI nº 10/2023 Faixa B – Brasil)
- MQE: Software para Investigação Qualitativa em Educação (UMa, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Universidade da Bahia & Universidade Federal de Alagoas)
- REDE MOSAICO: Rede Internacional de Projetos de Intervenção Educativo (UMa & Universidade do Estado da Bahia)
- “Three-Two-One-Action: Cultural Digitalization”: Erasmus+ KA2 Turkey
- Macaronight: European Researchers’ Night (UMa, Universidade de La Laguna, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canárias & ULPGC Science and Technology Park)
- FORWARD: Fostering Research Excellence in EU Outermost Regions
- INCORE HEI Initiative
- INNOMAC – Iniciativa de Promoción de la Competitividad Empresarial y Desalida a Mercados Globales de las Empresas Inovadoras
- “Entre Ilhas: Ser docente numa aldeia global” (Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina)
- Colaboração no grupo de estudos do UFPB (Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brasil)
- TICASE-Qualifica (IFBA – Instituto Federal da Bahia, Brasil)
- Value (Bélgica, Eslovénia, Dinamarca & Portugal)
- ELABORA: Processos dialógicos de construção do conhecimento em contexto mediado por interfaces com inteligência artificial. Projeto de investigação – ação registado no Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) (iniciado em março de 2023 e finalizado em dezembro de 2023).
Internal regulation
Regulation nr. 1255/2023, published in Diário da República on 23 november 2023.