University of Madeira’s Education Research Centre (CIE-UMa) has been committed since 2003 to furthering scientific, pedagogical and professional knowledge in the field of Educational Sciences, as well as disseminating and applying the results of research.
- Promoting, coordinating, and supporting research projects in the field of Education
- Disseminating research results to the scientific community, Education professionals, and the general public
- Contributing to updating and improving the training programs of Education professionals
- Supporting research projects leading to Master’s and doctoral theses in the Centre’s research areas
- Managing relevant information in the field of Education research
- Supporting the presentation and publication of scientific work resulting from projects developed within the Centre’s sphere
- Optimizing support services for research work in terms of resource efficiency
- Encouraging and supporting the submission of projects for funding from public and private institutions
Research areas
The role of educational policy in the construction of the curriculum; the pressures and interests underlying the construction of the curriculum; the relationship between knowledge and ideology, culture and power.
J. M. Fernandes (Coord.)
Pedagogical innovation
Studies on new learning contexts and paradigmatic shifts; critiques of past paradigms; exploration of the future of education.
C. Fino (Coord.)
School administration
Principles and practices of school management; leadership styles; assessment systems; analysis and development of educational projects; school organizational culture.
N. Fraga (Coord.)
Community development
Processes of social change, transformation, and innovation; education and training projects in collaboration with public services and institutions
L. Rodrigues (Coord.)
External Commission for Scientific Advice [EAC]
- William F. Pinar, University of British Columbia
- Michael Schratz, Universitat Innsbruck
- Paulo Dias, Universidade Aberta
CIE-UMa is a National Research Unit funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) through the Multiannual Funding of R&D Units 2020-2023: Base Funding (UIDB/04083/2020) and Programmatic Funding (UIDP/04083/2020).
- BELONG (Comenius University, Masaryk University, Central European University, Nottingham University & Slovac Association for Quality Enhancement in HE)
- MQE: Software para Investigação Qualitativa em Educação (UMa, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Universidade da Bahia & Universidade Federal de Alagoas)
- REDE MOSAICO: Rede Internacional de Projetos de Intervenção Educativo (UMa & Universidade do Estado da Bahia)
- “Three-Two-One-Action: Cultural Digitalization”: Erasmus+ KA2 Turkey
- Macaronight: European Researchers’ Night (UMa, Universidade de La Laguna, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canárias & ULPGC Science and Technology Park)
- FORWARD: Fostering Research Excellence in EU Outermost Regions
- INCORE HEI Initiative
- INNOMAC – Iniciativa de Promoción de la Competitividad Empresarial y Desalida a Mercados Globales de las Empresas Inovadoras
- “Entre Ilhas: Ser docente numa aldeia global” (Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina)
- Colaboração no grupo de estudos do UFPB (Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brasil)
- TICASE-Qualifica (IFBA – Instituto Federal da Bahia, Brasil)
- Projeto Value (Bélgica, Eslovénia, Dinamarca & Portugal)
Internal regulation
Regulation nr. 1255/2023, published in Diário da República on 23 november 2023.