Thematic roundtable: “Opportunities for Transforming Pedagogical Practices”

UMa’s Education Research Centre (CIE-UMa) is hosting the thematic roundtable “Opportunities for Transforming Pedagogical Practices” to discuss the “Domains of Curricular Autonomy” as an area of interdisciplinary work involving each school’s curricular articulation and management.

The event will be held on May 26th at 14:30 at UMa’s  Senate Room. Participation is open to the public but requires pre-registration by May 24th via the form available here.

The opening lecture, “Potentialities and limits of decision-making and learning spaces”, will be given by Elsa Estrela, Assistant Professor at the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technology. The following speeches are from Fernanda Gouveia, teacher at the Figueirinhas EB1/PE School; Natalina Cristóvão, Director of Artistic Education Services at the Regional Directorate for Education; and Ana Isabel Barreira, Funchal School Delegate. The moderator will be Gorete Pereira, researcher at CIE-UMa and director of UMa’s Degree in Basic Education.

Picture gallery available here.

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