In March 2020, most schools were faced with the dilemma of having to close their doors while at the same time continuing to operate, with students and teachers confined to their homes. Although the idea of remote learning is not new, the need for its sudden generalization on the scale of the whole education system took everyone by surprise.
Not to mention that teachers were forced to mix their professional and private lives, as they were forced to work from home, where they were confined to their families, being pushed into burnout.
Online videoconferencing applications were useful, albeit with problems regarding familiarity/competence and network access. Little use was found in academic texts – even the “highest impact factor” journals couldn’t help teachers in being now only virtually present.
What did we learn from the nightmare we had to face? UMa’s Education Research Centre (CIE-UMa) invites researchers and educators to contribute their work and reflections regarding these topics. Those interested should submit their abstracts by November 18, 2022.
Picture gallery available here.