Thematic roundtable: “Autonomy and Curricular Flexibility”

This thematic roundtable aims to encourage participants to (re)think and (de)construct concepts that foster new scenarios for pedagogical innovation, as well as the cultivation of multiple literacies and the development of values and skills, based on the individual and their human dignity.

The spekers will be Dr. Marco Gomes, Director of the Regional Secretariat for Education; Ariana Cosme, from the University of Porto’s Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences; Luz Castro, Principal of the Figueirinhas Primary and Secondary School; and Sandra Andrade, Pedagogical Director of the Infante D. Henrique Primary and Secondary School.

The event will be held on November 12th at 14:30 at UMa’s Senate Room. Participation is open to the public but requires pre-registration. Participants will be granted a certificate.

Photo gallery available here.

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