XIX Colloquium: “Teacher Training – Research Contributions”

What kind of teachers are we training today? What kind of teachers do we want to train? What school do we want to train for? Do we want changes? If so, which ones? These and other questions will be the subject of joint reflection in the University of Madeira’s Education Research Centre (CIE-UMa) XIX Colloquium, to be held on December 14 and 15 at the Jesuits’ College.

The Centre for Research in Education of the University of Madeira (CIE-UMa), aware of how much this issue is crucial today, and because it is part of a university with a tradition in teacher training, understands that the time has come to dedicate its XIX Colloquium to this subject. Let’s listen to experts and to all those who somehow contribute to teacher training and to promoting active, critical thinking, involving students too. 

In the tradition of previous editions, the Colloquium’s program includes four conferences, featuring Fernando Correia and Elsa Fernandes (University of Madeira), Assunção Flores (University of Minho) and Nélia Amado (University of Algarve), as well as various other communication sessions, and the launch of CIE-UMa’s latest book, Education and Community Development.

Those interested in presenting papers at the 19th CIE-UMa Colloquium should submit their abstracts by November 24th via the event’s website. The papers must fall within one of the following research areas: Curriculum, Pedagogical Innovation, Educational Administration, and Community Development.

More information: https://cie.uma.pt/coloquio

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