XV Colloquium: “Scientific Literacy – Teaching, Training and Daily Life”

As society is increasingly immersed in Science and Technology, mostly void of analytical understanding, it becomes increasingly difficult to filter information and make informed decisions. This Colloquium aims to serve as an open space for discussing the importance of Education in promoting scientific literacy and analyzing the role of schools in preparing citizens for a future of uncertainty.

The four main lectures are the work of Cecília Galvão, Professor at University of Lisbon’s Institute of Education; Jelle Boeve-de Pauw, from University of Antwerp’s Faculty of Social Sciences; and Hélder Spínola and Sílvia Carreira, researchers at CIE-UMa. In addition, many researchers and educators will contribute with their work and reflections.

The event will take place on January 30th and 31st at the Jesuits’ College Auditorium. On the morning of February 1st there will be a guided tour to Madeira’s Electricity Centre, the Vitória Thermal Power Plant and the Socorridos Hydroelectric Power Plant. Registrations are open here, as well as abstract submissions.

Photo gallery available here.

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